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Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

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Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world.

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Q: What was not a common argument to support American colonist Declaration of Independence?
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Which document listed the colonist grievances or reasons for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

What was not a common argument given in support of the American colonist's declaration of Independence?

Britain had plenty of other colonies all over the world, and this fact was not used as evidence for why the colonies should be free. The Declaration of Independence focused only on the American colonies.

How does the declaration of independence make an argument for independence?

the declaration of independence makes an argument for independence because some of the wars colonist fought in didn't get independence................... i'm not sure if this the right answer but at least i tried........ i just guessed this answer looking in my text book hopefully its right

What document listed the American colonist reasons for wanting independence for England?

Declaration of Independence

Which American colonist drafted the Declaration of Independence using ideas from the European Enlightenment?

Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

Which document listed the colonist' grievances or reasons for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is the name of the letter the American colonist sent to England declaring their independence.

What did the declaration of independence declare?

That the colonist want independence

What American Colonist wrote of unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson wrote about unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence. The idea was adapted from the philosophy of John Locke.

Why were the colonist mad in the Declaration of Independence?

they were mad at the declaration of independence because there were many taxes

What document listed the American colonist reasons for wanting independence from England?

The Declaration of Independence was written during the Revolutionary War and listed the reasons the thirteen colonies should no longer be part of the British Empire. Its author was Thomas Jefferson.

Which documents address colonial concerns about English policies?

the Declaration of Independence the declaration of independence was written by the colonist to outline the reasons why they were unhappy with English policies