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Q: What was nixion's plan to gradually withdraw U.S. forces while building those of south Vietnam so they could do more of the fighting themselves?
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What was Nixon's plan for winding down the war?

was to withdraw US troops and turn over fighting to Vietnamese troops.

How did the Vietnam War influence the foreign policy of Nixon?

President Richard introduced his policy of "vietnamization". The plan was to encourage the South Vietnamese to take more responsibility for fighting the war. It was hoped that this policy would eventually enable the United States to withdraw gradually all their soldiers from Vietnam.

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An Order Granting Leave to Withdraw is a legal document issued by a court allowing a party to withdraw from a case or legal proceeding. This order typically outlines the conditions under which the party can withdraw and may also specify any obligations that the party must fulfill before they are officially removed from the case.

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In Georgia, a 17-year-old cannot withdraw themselves from school without parental consent. The compulsory education age in Georgia is 16, but parental consent is typically required until the age of 18.

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Russia was also involved in WWI, fighting against the Triple Alliance. Russia made an agerement with Germany to withdraw and take of the revolution at home.

Where did President Nixon and Vietnamization policy emphasized that the US must .?

President Nixon and the Vietnamization policy emphasized that the US must gradually withdraw its troops from Vietnam and shift the burden of fighting to the South Vietnamese forces. The goal was to allow the South Vietnamese to take on a greater role in the war and enable the US to reduce its military involvement.

Why did Hitler's generals want to withdraw troops from the USSR?

Because they were being smothered in the terrible cold that they were ill-prepared for. They wanted to withdraw them so as not to lose too much, an attempted action that failed, causing Hitler to suffer irreplaceable losses in both troops and equipment in their fighting the red army.

How do I withdraw from Answer?

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