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In the 1700s, immigrants were coming from all over the world. The second and third waves of Irish immigrants came after 1717. The potato famine in Ireland was making them want to come. Many immigrants thought that they would strike it rich in this new land. Ellis Island and Angel Island dealt with immigrants. Immigrants were inspected, but it was rare for one not to be accepted. If an immigrant was sick, they were sent to the Ellis Island hospital at Ellis Island. It was rare for one of the immigrants to get sent home. Angel Island was used mainly by Asians and Ellis Island by Europeans. Ellis Island was closed in 1954. It was expensive to maintain. Today, Ellis Island is a tourist sight. From Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty can be seen. The Statue of Liberty was a significant sight for the immigrants crossing over to the U.S. Many of them cried on the boats. The boats treated the immigrants as cargo, and the immigrants were usually steerage. Depending on where the immigrants were traveling from, the journeys were long. Many people got sick and conditions were terrible.

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Q: What was new York like in the 1700s?
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