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Q: What was napoleon legacy and what is he remembered for?
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His legacy will be remembered as a historically bad president.

What is Napoleon Bonaparte's legacy?

The Napoleonic Code.

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In what way does Napoleon reveal his concern for his own legacy?

he didnt.

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Butterfly on the court

What is Obama's legacy?

President Barack Obama's legacy will always be remembered as being the first African American elected to the oval office. His birthplace of Hawaii is another notable legacy.

How is Napoleon remembered today?

Napoleon is remembered today as a great leader of a short-lived empire. People who are short and ill-tempered are told to have a Napoleonic complex. The current school system in France was created by Napoleon himself, and is revered by many. It is believed by some to be the best in Europe.

Did napoleon cry under a willow tree?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Napoleon cried under a willow tree. Napoleon is remembered as a strong and formidable leader, so it is unlikely that such an emotional anecdote would be factual.

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Mussolini killed many people throughout WW2

Does John Tower still matter to Texas today?

Yes, and as long as Repiblicans exist in Texas, Tower's legacy will be remembered.

What does legacy mean?

legacy is whatever you leave behind when you are dead ,can be stories you told, theboxing you have thought or the cooking recipe or way to do thingsso practically a legacy is whatever you leave behind to be remembered by.

What was Napoleon Bonaperte famous for?

Military genuis, maneuver on the battlefield, the use of supporting arms and his lasting legacy is the Napoleonic Code.