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Shooting the badguys from a long distance with great accrucy.

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Q: What was long range artillery used for in world war 1?
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What is the furthest that modern artillery can shoot?

The large naval artillery could fire a round 23 miles. The army and coastal artillery could fire about that far. Field Artillery were not as large and had a shorter range. Modern artillery has used rocket assisted artillery shells but I'm not sure of the range of those.

Did the us use artillery in World War 1?

Yes. Everybody with enough money and technology used artillery.

When was artillery first used?

Artillery was used in ancient times for siege purposes, but not sure exactly when or where.

What were some defense weapons used in world war 1?

Some defense weapons used in World War 1 included machine guns, artillery, poison gas, and barbed wire. Machine guns such as the Maxim and Vickers guns were used to lay down a barrage of bullets on advancing enemy troops. Artillery, including large cannons and howitzers, were employed for long-range bombardment. Poison gas, such as chlorine and mustard gas, was used to incapacitate or kill soldiers. Barbed wire was used to create defensive obstacles and impede enemy advances.

What country in World War 1 developed the longest range cannon?

In 1918 the Germans introduced an artillery piece that could shoot 75 miles. This was almost four times the range of the biggest guns in the war to that point. It was called the Paris Gun and part of its power was due to its extra long barrel. It was not that accurate for 75 miles, however, it was used to bombard Paris. It had a favorable psychological for the Germans, to compensate for its lack of accuracy.

Related questions

Maximum Range for Artillery?

The farthest reaching artillery piece used by the U.S. Army is the 155mm Howitzer. It has a maximum range of 30 kilometers.

Who used the Artillery in world war 1?

All sides in WW1 used artillery.

What is the furthest that modern artillery can shoot?

The large naval artillery could fire a round 23 miles. The army and coastal artillery could fire about that far. Field Artillery were not as large and had a shorter range. Modern artillery has used rocket assisted artillery shells but I'm not sure of the range of those.

How were ARTILLERY used in world war 1?

Artillery in WW1 was used in Battery or even larger formations.

What term was used for an artillery barrage during World War 1?

An " artillery barrage" was the term

Did they have misssles in World War 2?

They had long range jet fueled rockets made by Germany, the prototype to modern rockets and missiles, they also had afew artillery pieces such as the screaming memies. And Stalin's organ that used small missiles

What type of new technology was used during the civi war?

Long-range artillery with rifled barrels. The telegraph. Moving troops by rail. Observation balloons. Submarines.

Did the us use artillery in World War 1?

Yes. Everybody with enough money and technology used artillery.

Which countries used artillery in World War 1?


Give a list of some artillery used in world war1?

a weapon used in the war

In world war1 airplanes were first used to?

The first military airplanes were used to observe enemy movements. Then they learned methods of directing artillery without the use of radio by flying in patterns to indicated direction and range.

Give you a sentence using artillery?

They were mounted on ships and used as coastal batteries and also siege artillery.