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Well, it depends on which part of Poland, considering it did not actually exist as a nation directly prior to World War I, with parts of modern day Poland being part of the countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. Conditions in those parts could generally be considered similar to conditions in the rest of the country to which they were a part of.

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They weren't treated so well across Europe; WWII was the first time the discrimination actually became that brutal.

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Not the nicest....

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Q: What was life like for Polish citizens during World War 2?
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What was life like for citizens of Romania during the World War 1?

some of us tried to escape and it was hard some manged to be some couldn't.

Describe the Post World War 2 experiences of teenagers in America?

What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll? What was life like as a teenage boy during world war ll?

Which countries suffered the biggest losses during world war 1?

Russia suffered the greatest loss of life during World War I. There were thousands of casualties on all sides suffered during the war.

What was civilian life in the United States during World War 1?


How was the 1950's like?

At that time America was the richest country in the world. It was very conservative and simple during the days. Human rights were very less when women were treated lower than men and racism was intense. If you were not a white person during the days your life would be a living hell. Considering that life was very stressful back then and lots of nonwhite citizens were lynched and mistreated very badly and it was very sad

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some of us tried to escape and it was hard some manged to be some couldn't.

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