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Q: What was life like before the French Revolution?
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What was life like for the thrid estate before the french revolution?

they made up more than 90% of the population, paid almost all of the taxes, and had no food.

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Life before agricultural revolution was hard. There were no jobs, killings and ruled by someone that you could not have freedom.

The French Revolution was it a war or a revolution?

The french revolution was more like a revolution as lt literary says.

What was life like before the Neolithic revolution?

Life before the Neolithic Revolution was very hard, they needed more people to become hunt & gatheres so that they could have a surplus of food.

What would life be like if the french hadn't helped in the revolution?

life would still be the same as it was back then if the revolution didn't happen. it was kinda like a highschool was back then, the cliques. the rich with rich poor with poor.

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Three-Field System

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What was food like in France before the French revolution?

Well the food didnt change at all it just stayed the same ,i dont think it would have changed because of the revolution.

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i like big men =]

What was life like before the Neolithic?

Life before the Neolithic Revolution was very hard, they needed more people to become hunt & gatheres so that they could have a surplus of food.

Does India need a same kind of revolution like french revolution?

does india need a same kind of revolution

What is the Reign of Terror for the French Revolution?

It's just a little before the end of the French revolution, the important part, a LOT of people were guillotined (executed), not just nobles anymore, even people who were just considered not seeing the revolution go exactly like the others planned, some were even leaders of it