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Q: What was life in Britain in the late 1700s?
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Britain and France fought for control of India; By the late 1700s Great Britain had won.

The Industrial Revolution began in the late 1700s in?

The Industrial Revolution began in the late 1700s in Great Britain and spread to Western Europe and the United States within a few decades.

Who did the US gain independence from in the late 1700s?

In 1776, the American Colonies delcared their independence from Great Britain.

What was currency in Britain during the 1700s?

What was currency in Britain during the 1700s?

What was life in Georgia in the 1700s like?

Life in Georgia in the 1700s was very difficult since it was a colony of Great Britain. This is because the citizens of Georgia were subjected to hard labor.

Where did the Industrial Revolution began?

in Great Britain in the 1700s

What was the first innovation of the Industrial Age?

the period of new manufacturing processes that began in Great Britain during the late 1700s

What did agricultural production in England in the late 1700s directly contribute to?

An increase in life expectancy

What were the challenges to the nations stability during the late 1700s and early 1800s?

The war between the United States and Great Britain as outlined in the Act of 1812 was a big threat to the stability of the nation and a big challenge to stability in the late 1700s to early 1800s.