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Q: What was john winthrop's concept of liberty speech about?
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What was john winthrops attitude towards liberty?

it was John Winthrop

When did Patrick Henry give his speech about liberty or death?

Patrick Henry gave this speech on March 23, 1775 at St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia.

What was Governor John winthrops legal and and biblical justification for seizing Indian land?

His legal justification was that the tribes failed to subdue their land.

What was john winthrops vision for massachusetts bay colony?

John Winthdrop had a vision that the new colony would be a common wealth, a community in which people work together for the good of the whole.

Who famously said''give me liberty or give me death''?

Patrick Henry, during a speech at St. John's Church in Richmond VA.

What are the contributions of John Stuart mill in health?

John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher, most well-known for his development on the concept of liberty. No records state he had any contribution to the field of medicine.

What statement summarizes a belief held by john Locke?

John Locke believed in the concept of natural rights, which included life, liberty, and property. He also advocated for the idea that governments should be based on the consent of the governed.

What has the author John Bartlam written?

John Bartlam has written: 'An essay on liberty' 'An essay on liberty' -- subject(s): Liberty

Which state did Patrick Henry give his famous speech?

I don't know if he gave his famous"Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech in more than one place,but I know that he did give the speech at Saint John's Episcopal Church in Richmond,Va. The Church was still there in 1996.

From whom did Jefferson borrow the concepts of Life liberty and the pursuits of happiness as found in the Declaration?

Thomas Jefferson got the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property from John Locke. He then replace property with happiness, which was inspired by the writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson.

What was John Locke's distinction between liberty and license?

Of The State Of Nature(liberty and licence)John Locke

Who wrote on liberty?

John Stuart Mill wrote On Liberty.