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Q: What was john Locke part in the American revolution?
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Was john Locke an active Anti-Federalist?

No. He was an English philosopher and not part of the American revolution . Jefferson just used his thinking in his writings.

Was John Hancock part of the American revolution?

Yes, because back then he was President of Congress.

How did John Hancock played a great part in the American Revolution?

He did not so much as play a great part in the American revolution, but what he did was sign his signature so large on the Declaration of Independence that the King wouldn't need his glasses to read it; a move widely considered popular at the time.

What part did John Hancock play in the success of the American Revolution?

He signed the Declaration of Independence and was our temporary leader before the war ended.

What part did the northeast play in the American revolution?

The northeastern part of the colonies was the main hotbed of anti English sentiment. People like John and Sam Adams were from Massachusetts.

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How did John Locke do?

He influenced us during the Enlightenment and was part of the constitution of the United States of America.

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she sewed the American Flag

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Texas played no part at all in the American Revolution; at that time it was a part of the Spanish colony of Mexico.

What philosopher ideas played a major part of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independece?

John Locke, from the Enlightenment.

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Was William billings part of the American revolution?

Yes he did.