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Conditions for African Americans in the south -apex

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Ben Pouros

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โˆ™ 2y ago
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Ronaldo Rodriguez

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โˆ™ 2y ago

Conditions for African Americans in the south -apex

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Q: What was it that most Progressives paid little attention to?
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What is the faulty parallelism in the sentence 'John paid little attention to what he ate or his clothes'?

john paid little attention to what he ate and his clothes

Most progressive paid little attention to what?

Conditions for African Americans in the south -apex

Progressives were chiefly concerned with social issues and paid little attention to the way in which corporations went about their business. True or false?

False. Progressives were also concerned with addressing the power and influence of corporations in society. They sought to regulate and reform corporate practices to protect workers' rights, ensure fair competition, and address issues such as monopolies and corruption. Progressives aimed to create a more equitable society by addressing both social and economic issues.

When saying to pay attention in past tense would it be paid attention or paid attention?

In past tense, the correct form would be "paid attention."

When saying - to pay attention - in past tense would it be paid attention or PAID attention?

in the past tense, you have paid attention.

When saying to pay attention in past tense would it be paid attention or paid attention or something completely different?

paid attention

What is the past tense of to pay attention to?

The past tense of "to pay attention to" is "paid attention to."

How do you spell paid as in paid attention?

"P-a-i-d" is the correct spelling for the word "paid" as in "paid attention."

How did George Lopez's grandmother inspire him?

Georges Grandmother didn't really inspire him she only paid little attention to him.

What are synonyms of listened?

Heeded, harked, paid attention

At the time of the first colonization efforts England?

was undergoing rapid economic and social transformations(C)

Why did Dill not stay with his mother and stepfather?

Dill's mother and stepfather paid him little attention and were often neglectful. He felt lonely and unloved in their home, so he preferred to spend his time with Jem and Scout in Maycomb.