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Because he showed how African Americans can do anything a white person can do and we have rights, we are people too and we can do something and become who we want to become!

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Q: What was important about Frederick Douglass and the abolitionist movement?
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What year did Frederick Douglass learn about the abolitionist movement?

in the 1830s

What impact did Frederick Douglass have on Progressive era reforms?

Frederick Douglass was an active reformer in some of the most important movements of the 19th Century. He was, first and foremost, an abolitionist leader. Later he became active in the women's suffrage movement.

Who was the former slave became a leader in the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

Who was a former slave who became a leader of the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

Who started abolitionist movement?

Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Harriet Tubman started the Abolition Movement

What was the abolitionist newspaper called that influenced Frederick?

The abolitionist newspaper that influenced Frederick Douglass was called "The Liberator," founded by William Lloyd Garrison. Douglass was inspired by the paper's anti-slavery message and became an active supporter of the abolitionist movement.

How long did Frederick Douglass live?

Frederick Douglass lived from 1818 until 1895. He was around during the time of slavery, and after escaping as a slave, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement.

What did Frederick Douglass do after the war?

he keep fighting for African Americans rights lol <3

How did the words of former enslaved africans such as Frederick Douglass serve as powerful weapons in the abolitionist movement?


Who was Frederick duglass?

Frederick Douglass grew up a slave and became a prominent philosopher in the abolitionist movement because of his powerful writings and speeches.

What did Frederick Douglass invent?

Frederick Douglass was noted for being a social reformer and writer who escaped from slavery to lead the abolitionist movement. He is known for being a great orator, but has never invented anything.

Which abolitionist thought that slavery was morally wrong?

Frederick Douglass believed that slavery was morally wrong, as he had personally experienced its brutalities and dehumanizing effects. His experiences as a slave fueled his passion for the abolitionist movement and advocating for the rights and freedom of all enslaved individuals.