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Hitler's childhood had nothing to do with his murderous hatred of the Jews, his racial ideas and policies did not begin to form until he lived in Vienna after failing to gain entry the the Vienna Academy of Art.

Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, near the German border on April 20th 1889. His father was much older than his mother, and was a customs official. He was very strict and regularly beat his son-if he did anything that upset him! Adolf was very sensitive and his Mother, who he utterly adored, tried to protect her son from all these beatings. She also was on the receiving end and got injured. His father died in 1903, when Hitler was 13.

Hitler was a poor student and had to repeat several grades. Following the death of his father, Hitler received a half-orphan's pension and was able to live quite comfortably with some financial assistance from his mother. He finally left school at the age of 16 with no formal qualifications. He was unable to find full-time work as he was unable to cope with the stress/pressures of regular work.

After failing to gain entry to the Vienna Art Accademy in 1907 and 1908, Hitler supplemented his pension by selling pictures and postcards. At the time his income was higher than that of a school teacher and he was able to live quite well. Whilst in Vienna Hitler came into contact with the writings of Guido von List, a racial ideologist and anti-semite, and his protege, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. Other notable figures who helped form Hitler's racial views were Hanns Hörbiger and Hans Goldziers as well as the anti-semitic politicians Georg von Schönerer, the leader of the All German Movement (die Alldeutsche Bewegung) and the Viennese mayor, Karl Lueger.

After 1909 money began to get tight for Hitler and in 1910 he was forced to move between flop houses. During this time and until 1912 Hitler sold his pictures through Josef Neumann, a Hungarian Jew and owner of a flop house, as well as Jakob Altenberg and Samuel Morgenstern, who were Jewish art dealers. Therefore it is questionable if his anti-semitism was as pronounced at this time as he would later claim in his book Mein Kampf.

In 1913 Hitler moved to Munich after receiving his inheritance from his father's estate. The main reason for this move was to avoid conscription in Austria. Whilst in Munich Hitler read the racist works of English author Houston Stewart Chamberlain (which would later become the standard for racial and ideological anti-semitism in Germany). With the threat of being arrested for his attempt to evade conscription hanging over him, Hitler returned to Vienna in 1914, where he was deemed unfit for military service and exempted from conscription.

With the outbreak of WWI, Hitler enlisted voluntarily into the Bavarian army, where he swore an oath to the Bavarian King and subsequently to the Austrian Emperor.

Hitler spent the war in 16th Royal Bavarian Infantry Reserve Regiment (6th Royal Bavarian Reserve Division) as a despatcher on the Western Front. The majority of the war was spent several miles behind the front line although he did take part in the Battle of the Somme, where he was wounded (after a hand-grenade accidentally went off in the despatchers' dugout), as well as the third Battle of Paschendaele. Towards the end of the war Hitler took part in the German Spring Offensive and was recommended for the Iron Cross 1st Class by his regiment's adjutant, Hugo Gutmann, a Jew.

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Q: What was hitlers childhood could that be why he killed so many people most Jews?
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What lesson did the battle of Britain teach the allies?

The necessity for air superiority.

Who killed caesarion?

We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.We do not know exactly who killed Caesarion, but he was killed at Octavian's orders. We also don't know how he was killed. He could have been executed after his capture, or he could have died fighting his attackers. We know he was killed, but by whom and how is one of history's mysteries.

What kind of childhood did george washington have?

There is not a lot known about the childhood of George Washington, and much of what people think they know is based on urban legend. It is known that Washington was homeschooled, could grow tobacco by the time he was a teenager, and lost his father at the age of 11.

Who were some people killed by Hitler because they spoke against Hitler?

Hitler killed all of his oppsels so that everyone else could only hear one thing and one point and that was Hitler and his views of the world and the people in it

Why was japan in hitlers side in the world war 2?

Japan became allies with Germany because Germany could take Europe and Japan could take the Pacific so their forces could take the world.

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