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mostly golden things that tutankhamun wanted to take to his after life because all the egyptians belived in the after life however the poor did not go to a after life only the rich.

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Q: What was found in Tutankhamuns tomb?
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When was the tutankhamuns tomb found?


How did they preserve King Tutankhamuns tomb?

They found it in the grownd

Was King Tutankhamuns mothers tomb found?

maybe, maybe not

What county was King Tutankhamuns tomb found?

Egypt, Africa

The person who found King Tutankhamuns tomb?

howard carter

Where did Howard carter found the tutankhamuns tomb?

In the Valley of the Kings near Luxor in Egypt.

What date was King Tutankhamuns tomb found?

The tomb of Tutankhamen, king of Egypt, was discovered by English archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922.

What is the name of Tutankhamens tomb figurines?

Shabtis are the figurines in Tutankhamuns tomb.

What year was King Tutankhamuns tomb discoverd?

The tomb of King Tutankhamen was found in 1922. It was discovered by Howard Carter, who was an archaeologist from Britain.

Who was King Tutankhamuns tomb made for?


Why did tomb workers and slaves build king tutankhamuns tomb?

Because they were ordered to.

How many cartouches were found in Tutankhamuns tomb?

There were about 60 cartouches found in the boy king's tomb. They all beared the name Tutankhamun. Dr. Zahi Hawass suspects that they contain seed or drink.