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Q: What was everyday life like in terms of clothing food and the bathrooms in Auschwitz?
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Largest death camp during the Holocaust?

The Auschwitz group of camps (which inluded Birkenau) was the largest, and the main camps (Auschwitz I, II and III) were located near the Polish town of Oswiecim. The minimum serious modern scholarly estimate of the number of prisoners killed is about 1.1 million, of whom about 90% were Jews. (These figures were worked out by the Director of the Auschwitz Museum, Franczisek Piper and published in an article in 1989). The next camp in terms of the death-toll was Treblinka II, where an estimated 870,000 victims were slaughtered.

The residents of Auschwitz and other towns near concentration camps who knew about the camps but did nothing to stop them or tell the Jews?

It has become oh-so-trendy to regard people in that kind of position as guilty as guilty can be - on a par with the actual perpetrators. In practical terms, what were ordinary residents of the town supposed to do? Run around the Polish countryside shouting, 'There's a holocaust going on at Auschwitz'? Storm the camp? And, by the way, about 40% of the residents of Auschwitz were themselves Jews and living under very severe restrictions indeed ... There is a huge difference between bystanders who were actually in a position to 'do something' and those who were not.

What are the most common explosive items?

Believe it or not, it is matches. Of course this is the most common explosive everyday item. Matches uses sulfur and phosphorus and both those elements have the chemical property: combustion. In terms of arms, guns and grenades are. :) happy to help

What were the terms of the second Treaty of Fort Laramie?

Suck a Chubby and his crew came up with the terms, they terms were that all native Americans were able to live on there own land in the black hills South Dakota. Suck a Chubby and Sacajawea fought over it.

What is the difference medieval japan clothing and medieval clothing?

Medieval Japanese clothing and medieval clothing (without geographic modifier) are two very different things. When we speak of the middle ages, or the medieval period, without saying where it was, we are referring to Europe of the period of 476 to 1453 AD. The term medieval first applied to this time and place. The terms medieval and middle ages have been applied to other cultures that had at least some attributes similar to those of the European middle ages, usually a hierarchical political structure with a weak central government. The two usages do not refer to the same time, when they do not refer to the same place. The dates for medieval Japan are perhaps from 1185 AD to the second half of the nineteenth century, a period much later than the vaguely similar European middle ages.

Related questions

What was everyday life like in terms of clothing food and the bathrooms in the book night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, everyday life for concentration camp prisoners was marked by extreme deprivation. They were provided with meager rations of food like bread and soup, wore thin, striped uniforms that offered minimal protection from the elements, and lived in unsanitary conditions with overcrowded, primitive bathrooms that lacked basic hygiene and privacy.

When did bathrooms in the USA stop being divided by skin tones?

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Unisex, in clothing terms, means clothing applicable to both males and females.

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The general terms for clothes/clothing in classical Latin are vestis, vestimenta and vestitus.In medieval or Low Latin, ordinary or everyday clothing was called habitus, which is also the term for a monk's gown or "habit".

What is 4000 psi in everyday terms?

4,000 pounds per square inch (psi) is the everyday term, it is read everyday on gauges everywhere. (Tire pressure is in psi.)

Largest death camp during the Holocaust?

The Auschwitz group of camps (which inluded Birkenau) was the largest, and the main camps (Auschwitz I, II and III) were located near the Polish town of Oswiecim. The minimum serious modern scholarly estimate of the number of prisoners killed is about 1.1 million, of whom about 90% were Jews. (These figures were worked out by the Director of the Auschwitz Museum, Franczisek Piper and published in an article in 1989). The next camp in terms of the death-toll was Treblinka II, where an estimated 870,000 victims were slaughtered.

What were the financial success at Auschwitz Birkenau as an death factory?

Auschwitz did well financially as a factory. In modern terms, it made a profit of £125 million. It had 45 sub-camps dotted around next to it with Birkenau at the centre. As trainloads of Jews arrived, they were stripped of all that they possessed. These possessions were sorted out at a section of Auschwitz call 'Canada'. Most of those who worked here were young women.

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It depends on the context. In terms of everyday objects, 95g could be considered light, but in terms of certain small electronic devices or accessories, it could be considered heavy.

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Groundwater is water that is located beneath the Earth's surface. In terms of everyday life, it can be very important for plant growth as this is what plants primarily feed off of.

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A corporate village is an area close to the workplace where many everyday facilities are provided for a company's workers.

Why would a lawyer use everyday language instead of formal legal terms?

To create a friendly tone

What are the terms related to fashion clothing?

like the top brands clothes what all the people there age wears and they help you to pick 1 piece of clothing that is suitable for your age and what is in your ageing design i believe it is anyway