Analyze the cultural and economic responses of to the Indians of North America before 1750?
robbed native Americans of their resources.
settled in north America to gain wealth in gold and silver.
made Indians work in the gold and silver mines.
Cortes conquered Aztecs and stole their resources.
did not destroy culture.
intermarriage become common.
formed new ethnicity-mestizos.
harsh religious response.
the encomendia.
destruction of religion in the Aztec empire.
destroyed temples for use as christian cathedrals.
journeys were just for profit off of gold and silver.
balboa, de Leon, cortes, pizarro, de soto, coronado mistreated
wanted mutual economic benefits.
took part in beaver trading.
traded knives, beads, and guns.
helped by indirect means.
Champlain had a great relationship with the Huron tribe.
helped the Hurons fight the Iroquois's.
peacefully attempted to convert them.
among the first Europeans to trade with the Indians in the
anglo-indian wars.
wanted to improve their own economy at the expense of the
unfair fur trade.
Quakers were kind towards the Indians and bought land at fair
Carolinas raided an destroyed most tribes by 1720s.
Pequot War.
Puritans thought the Indians were inferior.
used harsh means to satisfy their own needs.
only wanted their land not a relationship.
saw the Indians as a form of cheap labor.
Cornwallis had a good relationship with the Mi'kmaq tribe but
then they got mad when he tried to take their land.