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Q: What was different in the 1700s and now?
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Was Kimberly a popular name you n the 1700s?

No, not in the 1700s, but now it's fairly popular.

Who were the famous scientists of the 1700s?

Some famous scientists of the 1700s include Isaac Newton, who made significant contributions to physics and mathematics; Carl Linnaeus, known for his work in taxonomy and biological classification; and Antoine Lavoisier, often referred to as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for his foundational work in the field.

What was Spain's currency in the 1700s I know it is Euros now but what was it in the 1700s?

Paseta isn't that the same thing as peso

How is the government different today than it was in the 1700s?

Answer it!

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What New Hampshire colonial towns in the 1700s do not exist now?

all of them

Did they have soda back in the 1700s?

i dont know, but they got soda now

In the 1700s how was Florida different from South Carolina?

Florida was different because Florida was ruled by Spain1

What was the boundary between french and spanish territory in east Texas in the 1700s?

i dont now

When did child labor start until when?

It started in the 1700s, and it is still going on now in poorer countries

Should some of the laws in the US constitution be changed?

no it was made in the 1700s and was good then and good now

How do you describe the pirates of the late 1700s and early 1800s who roamed the Florida coast?

Thieves is usually the accepted description of pirates. A plural of pirate. To steal with violence at sea. The term now has different connotations.