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Because the United States like to be fair and they know what it feels like how to be treated like a slave

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Q: What was created to protect people right not to rule them?
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Divine right theory of monarchy?

The Divine right theory of monarchy was a theory that gave authority and legitimization to monarchs. What it basically said was that kings and queens, and their subsequent successors, received their right to rule not only by the people, but also by God. It was their God-given right to rule the people and to be born into the ruling family.

Where did kings claim they got their power to rule the people?

This was formally known as the divine right of kings.

What is meritocracy?

Meritocracy is a government ruled by the people that have earned the right to rule. ( such as demonstrating intelligence and virtue-merit)

How did Assyrian kings attempt to legitimize their rule?

Assyrian Kings claimed Divine Right, e.g. that they were appointed by the gods to rule over the people. They used their military prowess as evidence of this power.

Where does the emperor get the right to rule?

Emperors do not "get" the rights to rule. Technically, they don't even have a right to rule, but they have a huge responsibility to the people they lead. Historically, people became emperor because they either inherited the position, or somehow had influence of the military. If the military will do what a person tells them to, then that person can control a country. People don't want to disobey the new "emperor" if he has an army that will punish them. And thus, he controls the people. If the military refuses to cooperate, he can claim to be emperor, but won't be able to control anyone.

Related questions

Why is a bill of right necessary in a democratic nation where rule by a majority of people is in effect?

To protect the minority, or an individual, from the majority.

What is the idea that people should have the right to rule themselves?

Democracy (literally, "rule by the people"). Not to be confused with a republic, which is rule by officials chosen by the people.

What were John Locke's ideas about gorvernment different from the theory of the divine right of monarchs?

He supported the principle of popular sovereignity. He claimed that the source of all political powershould be the people: the legitimacy of the state is created and maintained by the will and consent of its people. The monarchs do not have a divine right to rule, they get their power from the people and consequeently should rule for the good of the people.

What right do people give up when they accept totalitarian rule?

The people give up their right to oppose the government when they accept Totalitarian rule.

How do leaders gain the right to rule according to the divine right theory?

They are elected by people.

In democracy those who rule are responsible to?

the people who elected them. They are accountable for their actions and decisions, as they are meant to serve the best interests of the citizens they represent. Failure to fulfill their responsibilities can result in being voted out of office in the next election.

The exclusionary rule is an example of a rule written?

to protect citizens' rights.

What did colonists do to protect british rule?

I think you are confused because it was not up to the colonists to protect British rule. It was up to the British forces.

Why is Islam feared?

Becasue people know it is right and will someday rule the world..

Defend who has the right to rule?

defend who has the right to rule?

Did the declaration of independence talk about the role of government?

Not really. The declaration talked about who had a right to govern. It did not dispute the need for government, but justified the right to be independent of the rule of the English king and the right of the people to choose their government. It attacked the idea that people like King George had to right to rule because of their royal birth.

Divine right theory of monarchy?

The Divine right theory of monarchy was a theory that gave authority and legitimization to monarchs. What it basically said was that kings and queens, and their subsequent successors, received their right to rule not only by the people, but also by God. It was their God-given right to rule the people and to be born into the ruling family.