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Authoritarian control and a strong sense of nationalism prevailed.

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Q: What was characteristic of France under napoleons rule and Germany under Hitler rule?
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What did Germany expect France to do and what was their plan to prevent it?

Hitler tried to advance in Germany. Germany expected France to go up against Hitler and be victorious. However, they were unsuccessful and Hitler won.

Who governed France?

I Don't Know About France But I Know Who Governed Germany Adolf Hitler

What country did Hitler say was the mortal enemy of Germany?


When did Germany invade France?

Germany invaded France in May 10, 1940. On June 22, France surrendered and Germany captured Paris.

What country did Hitler say should be a part of Germany in September 1938?


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Which was a characteristic of Germany under adolf Hitler and the soviet union Joseph Stalin?

governmental control of the media

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What were the countries that Adolf Hitler ruled like before he ruled them?

its germany england and france

Which countries did Germany capture?

Hitler captured France and Poland during the beginning of the War.

What country did Germany invade to cause war?

France. Germany and France share a border.

What was the Rhineland rearmed?

Hitler re-armed the Rhineland in an attempt to see how France and Britain would react. The treaties signed by Hitler, especially the Versailles, clearly stated that if the Rhineland was entered and rearmed by Germany they were to be taken out immediately. France and Britain pitied Germany's losses though, and they let Germany have some leeway. In this, Hitler proved that France and Britain were weak and would be too late to stop his larger efforts