

What was boys fashion like?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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If you like smart, tidy uniform that is what they used to wear, but now to me-

Well. to me as a girl, boys can have as much fashion as girls can have. I have done my research and boys think that checked tops are the new fashion- they just cant get enough of them! A few boys have compared fashion to aeroplanes- they said fashion is like an aeroplane, if you want to get somewhere in life, you go to that place you wish to be! Like fashion if you want something you have to go and get it. I don't really see how that connects but that is what boys think new fashion is! Hope this has helped!

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I don' t know these days...

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They had a wiered stle.ierd hair,funny clothes.nothing like our fashion today LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LMFAO