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Local leaders relied more on the emperor for their authority.

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Q: What was an effect of Mughal nobility not being hereditary?
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Which of these was an effect of Mughal nobility not being hereditary?

Local leaders relied more on the emperor for their authority.

How do you join the nobility?

Nobility was/is still in some countries a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminenece than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be largely honorary (e.g. precedence), and vary from country to country and era to era. Traditionally membership in the nobility has been regulated or acknowledged by the government. There is often a variety of ranks within the noble class. Legal recognition of nobility is more common in monarchies, but nobility also existed in such republics as the Dutch Provinces, Genoa and Venice, and remains part of the legal social structure of some nonhereditary regimes, e.g. San Marino and Vatican City in Europe. Hereditary titles often distinguish nobles from non-nobles, although in many nations most of the nobility have been un-titled, and a hereditary title need not indicate nobility.

How do you become noble?

One can become noble by inheriting a noble title or being granted one by a monarch. In some countries, nobility is based on ancestry and lineage. However, in modern times, nobility is mostly symbolic and does not hold the same political or social power as it did in the past.

What is the chance of you being psychic?

Being Psychic is hereditary.

This Mughal emperor set the precedent of being tolerant toward other religions?

Babur was the Mughal emperor who set the precedent of being tolerant toward other religions.

Is The year 1857 marks the date of the last Mughal emperor being exiled to Burma by the English?

The year 1857 marks the date of the last Mughal emperor being exiled to Burma by the English.

What is a 7 letter word for nobility?

Nobility (meaning high status or rank): Peerage, Quality, Society, Royalty. Nobility (meaning the quality of being noble): Dignity, Majesty, Quality.

Who did the Mughal emperor set the precedent of being tolerant toward other religions?

The Mughal emperor Akbar is known for setting the precedent of being tolerant toward other religions. He promoted a policy of religious tolerance and integration, encouraging dialogue and acceptance among different faiths within the Mughal Empire.

If your cholesterol issue is due to genetics is that the same as being hereditary?

Yes genetics in this case is implying your hereditary medical history.

How did Akbar and Babur help the Mughal Empire to grow?

By being fair to different religions.

What is grandeur?

Grandeur is the state of being grand. It is also a term that can refer to nobility.

Passing of traits from parent to offspring?

Traits are passed from parent to offspring through genetic material called DNA. Offspring inherit a combination of traits from both parents, with variations occurring through the process of genetic recombination during reproduction. This inheritance of traits plays a key role in determining an individual's physical characteristics and biological functions.