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Iraq could not import any goods from other countries.

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Q: What was an economic sanction imposed on Iraq in accordance with resolution 687?
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Was an economic sanction imposed on Iraq in accordance with Resolution 687?

Iraq could not import any goods from other countries.

A sentence for sanction?

The United Nations imposed economic sanctions on the country in response to its human rights violations.

How would you use sanction in a sentence?

The United Nations imposed sanctions on the country to pressure them to comply with international laws.

Sentence with sanction?

The company imposed a sanction on the employee for violating company policy, resulting in a suspension from work.

What is the violation or sanction imposed if employee overslept and missed his duty?

he has to eat sh!t

How do you use the word sanction in a sentence?

(noun) The government placed a sanction on the company after discovering its illegal activities. (verb) The school would not sanction the use of its auditorium for political events.

Sanction in a sentence?

The United Nations imposed sanctions on the country for violating international treaties.

What is a sanction?

A sanction is a penalty or punishment imposed on a country, entity, or individual to encourage compliance with international law, regulations, or agreements. Sanctions can include restrictions on trade, financial transactions, travel, or diplomatic relations.

A sanction is something that a person faces as a result of their behavior in a society?

Yes, sanctions are penalties or restrictions imposed on individuals or groups by authorities in response to their actions or behaviors that are perceived as violating societal norms or laws. These can range from fines and loss of privileges to more severe consequences like imprisonment or economic embargoes.

What costs did Stalin's economic policy imposed on the Russian people?

it impose a better economy

What does school sanction mean?

School sanction refers to an official approval or authorization by a school or educational institution for a particular action, event, or program. It can also refer to a penalty or punishment imposed by a school authority for violating rules or policies.

What was the reason of US for attacking to Iraq?

Because Osama bin Laden terrorized the US. We then got mad and attacked them. Entirely fact-free. Osama was not in, or sponsored by, Iraq. We did not get mad at Iraq. Saddam violated every UN sanction and resolution imposed on him after he abjectly surrendered to the US at the end of the Gulf War. War criminals who do not stay surrendered, get the war renewed. Those who brag that they have WMD get invaded and searched.