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He is known for many things. But the best known would be his midnight ride and his poem about The Boston Massacre.

Paul Revere is famous for his midnight ride through Lexington. He rode through town warning civilians of the incoming British troops.

"The Britsh are coming! The British are coming!"

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11y ago

The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming. Longfellow wrote his poem on the eve of the civil war to remind people of the nation's history. Somehow the poem became part of history and was put into history books as fact. Revere never finished the ride, his horse was taken away and he was held by a British patrol, but thanks to Longfellow we all know who he is. He billed Congress for the ride and the cost of the horse since it was taken from him and it didn't belong to him. It was borrowed. His one big contribution was the picture on a flier after the Boston Massacre showing colonist getting shot by the British. This was pure Propaganda and was used to incite discontent between the colonist and the British troops.

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13y ago

Paul Revere was known for the Midnight Ride, being in the provincial army , and being involved in the Revolutionary War.

Chyna Fisher

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16y ago

he was fat!!

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What did Paul Revere do in his early life?

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Who made an engraving of the Boston Massacre?

Paul Revere made an engraving of the Boston Massacre in his silversmith's work. All of his work was sent to different customers around the world. Thus spreading the new of the Boston Massacre.

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Silversmiths could be found in all three, but the most famous is Paul Revere from Boston.

All of these men shouted the British are coming except?

There are many men that did not shout, " The British are coming". The most famous person to have made this statement is, Paul Revere.

What was paul revers poem?

listen all my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. on the eighteenth of April in seventy-five, hardly a man is now alive. who remembers that famous day and year.

How did Paul Revere fgjkhrdeij?

Paul Revere first crossed the Charles River by boat to land in Charleston and ride to Lexington, where he could warn citizens that the British were coming. Revere then rode to Concord, warning all citizens along the way.

What were Paul Revere's accomplishments?

Paul Revere made propaganda against the British after the Boston Massacre. He was a blacksmith and in his engraving, he made the British look like murderers that were shooting defenseless colonists. This made more colonists turn against the British. Paul Revere was also given the job to warn the colonies when the British were coming. He would ring the church bell twice if they were coming by water, and once if they were coming by land. He had to give this message to all of the colonies.

Was Paul Revere older than any of his children?

All of them, they're HIS children.