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I have 3 or 4 books as thick as my wrist about Hitler before he came into power, and without rewriting them here for you, I can tell you that he tried to be a serious artist.


You can find a quite comprehensive but brief article following the link " Adolf Hitler"


Poor family, father died when Adolf was 13, he left school without finishing. From 16 to 18 he neither worked nor studied. He applied unsuccessfully at the Vienna Academy of Fine Art .When he turned 19, his mother died. Without her support he became what we would call a drifter/streetperson. In 1914 he jumped at the opportunity to become a soldier in the German Army and get a regular three meals a day. The rest is history.

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Life of Adolf Hitler before he got famous …

Adolf Hitler was born on the 20th 0f April 1889. He was born in a town called Braunau (Austrian) it was quite close to the German boarder.Alois Hitler (his father) was a poor man and was also an illegal immigrant. Alois's wife was a lot older than him and they had five children together but only two survived Adolf and Paula.

Adolf got savagely beaten if he was not doing well at school or was disobeying what Alois (his father) was telling him to do.

Adolf Hitler actually did very well at primary school they said that he would do well in life. He was also said to have exliant leadership. However when he got to secondary school he just gave up… and his father got very annoyed, but no matter how much his father and teachers both tried , Adolf Hitler was so stubborn that they could just not seem to be able to get him to at least attempt his work.

After this his father just stopped speaking to him, and a couple of months later when Adolf Hitler was age 13 his father passed away.

After this his mum tried to make sure that he carried on at school but when he failed his GCSE'S then he begged his mum to not let him retake them.

When he was eighteen he received his dads will and he had been left a lot of money. He then tried to get into art collage but of course he got rejected because he had no qualifications. He did not wont to face his mum to tell her that he had be rejected and that he should have retaken his GCSE'S ,so instead he decided to stay in Vienna .

About four years later his mother died of cancer. He now at this point received his dad's pension. He made his odd bit of moneys by drawing postcards and selling them on to people.

Then ww1 came along Adolf Hitler jumped at the chance to fight in the German army he very much liked the thought of shooting other people who were Austrians. He was always the first person to put his self forward for dangerous jobs. At one point he forwarded him self to go down to the front line to deliver a message with 10 other men but he was 1 in 3 that survived. For this he won five medals one of them was the iron cross.

In 1918 Adolf Hitler got blinded in as gas attack. He regained his sight but whilst he was in the hospital he went into deep range of depression and often sat curled up in a ball against the wall and wouldn't talk to any one.

After this he became part of the socialist party then after a while he completely took the party over. Adolf Hitler of course got into a heap of trouble over this. He said if they let him go then he would give them the information that they needed to find some of the soldiers. But later on he reopened the party and called it the Nazi party this party was crated to be against gypsies, blacks and anyone with a disability and especially Jews.

He then went on from that to organize that the Jews act… were going to work in concentration camps and then kill them when they could not work any more.

And this is how ADOLF HILTER became very famous …

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