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Q: What was a way the us aided Britain in 1941 what Act?
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The Lend-Lease Act was Roosevelt's way of getting arms to Britain without Britain having to?

Return them after the war

How long did the Sugar Act last?

The Sugar Act lasted from 1763 to 1776. The act was a way for Britain to raise revenue in the thirteen colonies.

What was the lead-lease act?

The lead-lease act was implemented in 1941 as a way to help during World War 2. The act allowed the United States to lend aid to the allies.

If bullets that are sold to you are used in a crime can you get charged?

Not necessarily - but if they can be traced back to you, you will be brought under scrutiny and investigation to determine if, in any way, you may aided or abetted the criminal act.

How are the battle of Britain and the lend lease act linked in history?

They are NOT linked in any way. The Battle of Britain was over and done with before Lend-Lease happened.

What congressional measures paved the way for the US entry into world war?

The Lend Lease Act which was passed by Congress in March of 1941.

What are the ratings and certificates for Down Mexico Way - 1941?

Down Mexico Way - 1941 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:Btl

Why did the Lend-Lease Act clear the way for the US?

It allowed the US to give weapons to Britain in exchange for a promise to pay the US back for the weapons or return them after the war. So it allowed the US to help Britain without endangering its neutrality

When the dominion of Canada was created in 1867 it established a confederation of the Canadian provinces but the dominion was governed by Britain?

They said do not let the door hit you on the way out. Britain was quick to pass the British North America Act in their house, in 1867.

What was the sugar and molases act?

The Sugar and Molasses Act was a tax imposed by the British Parliament on sugar and molasses imported by American colonies from non-British sources. The act was passed in 1733 as a way for Britain to raise revenue and regulate trade. It was one of several acts that eventually led to increased tensions between the American colonies and Britain, ultimately culminating in the American Revolution.

What is the Declaration Act?

Type your answer here... Any fool who is dumb enough to search for a cheap way out doesnt desrve answers The declaratory act was an act of the parliament of great britian. The declaration stated that Parliament's authority was the same in America as in Britain and asserted Parliament's authority to pass laws that were binding on the American colonies.

When did the stamp act stop?

The Stamp Act last occurred on March 22, 1765. The Stamp Act was Britain's solution to gathering funds for it's military. Britain felt that the new colonies were benefiting from the military's service, so should pay for it. The Stamp Act was first proposed to the colonies in February of that year, being open to their suggestion to raise money in some other way. When no other solution were agreed upon the Stamp Act was put in effect.