colonial period or colonial America
Two undemocratic features of the colonial America were slavery and unequal voting rights
The first representative body in colonial America was the House of Senators. It existed in the colony of Roanoake.
In colonial America, only white males who owned property, and were over the age of 18 were allowed to vote.
PresbyterianismThe most influential religious movement in colonial America was the American Methodist movement.
There is no conventional use of the word "stockingman" in English.
the country that colonial America is in is new England
Beer was brewed in colonial America
the old age in colonial America was about 20
Cities in Colonial America were unhealthy and crowded.
The Colonial Dames of America was created in 1890.
There were no transfusions and no blood bank in colonial America.
colonial period or colonial America
Colonial America took place from the 18th century to the 19th century.
society in colonial Latin America was divided into several classes
The colonial settlers from England.
Colonial American were what people be lived in America colonial style. They ruled by the mean British and fed up with the King. Formed America.