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Q: What was a solution for the navigation act problem?
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Was the navigation act after the quartering act?

no the navigation act was before the quartering act

What was not an elements of the navigation acts?

what was navigation act in 1660

What is the meaning or solution?

-an act or idea that effectively renders a problem non-existent.

What British law not enforced before 1763?

Navigation Act

What did The Navigation Act of 1672 do?

The Navigation Act of 1672 placed a tax or duty on certain items shipped from America to England.

What act came before the navigation act?

the Triangular Trade

Was the navigation act in great Britain?


Who was affected by the Navigation act?

The Britsh.

What year did England pass the navigation acts?

The Navigation act was passed in 1651.

What is 'solution' in Latin?

Solutio is the Latin equivalent of 'solution' in the sense of the act of dissolving something. Explicatio is the equivalent in the sense of an 'answer to a problem'. Dilutumis still another equivalent in the sense of 'liquid resulting from the act of dissolving something'.

When was the navigation act passed?


How did the navigation act affect Connecticut?

it didnt