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Q: What was a similarity between Islamic caliphate a during the Islamic golden age and Western European kingdoms following the fall of the Roman Empire?
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How were caliphates during the Islamic golden age similar to the western European kingdoms following the fall of Rome?

Both societies were unified by shared religious traditions.

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Why is the battle of las navas de tolosa important?

In spite of the outnumber of muslim army, was defeated by the union of christians kingdoms. This battler marked the beginning of spain and the final of Muslim caliphate. Also known as: The battle of five armies or the charge of three kings. Christians kingdoms: Castille, Aragon,Navarre, Portugal: Garrison of 70.000 men. Muslim Caliphate: 150.000 men.

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They were weak.

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The European Robin The Swan

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it was the first town of a new colony.

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I don't know man, don't ask me -_-

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Western European kingdoms increasingly fought wars over religious differences.

5 kingdoms why no 6?

because the five kingdoms have been split up in to 5 very vague categories, and are able to explain all of the following five kingdoms,

What is the Spanish March?

The Spanish March was the "buffer" region, created by Charlemagne, between Islamic and Christian kingdoms. It separated Muslim Spain, from the Christian, European kingdoms.