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Q: What was a popular Enlightenment philosophy that helped to inspire the American Revolution?
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Which revolutions did the enlightenment inspire?

The Enlightenment inspired several revolutions, including the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Haitian Revolution. These movements were influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, which challenged existing systems of government and led to significant social and political change.

How were the colonies affected by the enlightenment?

The Enlightenment helped inspire colonists to question traditional authority and embrace ideas of natural rights, democracy, and freedom. These ideals influenced the development of revolutionary ideas in the colonies, which played a key role in events leading up to the American Revolution. Key figures like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were influenced by Enlightenment philosophy in drafting documents such as the Declaration of Independence.

Marked the official end of the American revolution?

Where did the American Revolution inspire revolutionary movements

What marked the official end of the American Revolution?

Where did the American Revolution inspire revolutionary movements

What were some of the enlightenment ideas that helped inspire the french revolution?

Rousseau's ideas inspire many leaders of the French Revolution. Rousseau fought for individual freedom. He though that a direct democracy was the best form of government.

In what other country did the American revolution indirectly inspire a revolution?

Notably, France (1789-1799). But South American countries were also impelled to seek their independence from Spain.

Who were the preachers of the Great Awakening try to inspire?

The preachers did much to consolidate and perpetuate institutions that the earlier phases of the Revolution had introduced into France, and the ideas of the Enlightenment had inspired

Who were the preacher of the great awakening trying to inspire?

The preachers did much to consolidate and perpetuate institutions that the earlier phases of the Revolution had introduced into France, and the ideas of the Enlightenment had inspired

Who gathered ideas from the American and french revolution to inspire his countrymen to Independence?

francisco de miranda

What gathered ideas from the American and the french revolution to inspire his countrymen to independence?

Francisco de miranda

What significant american event helped inspire the french revolution?

It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.

What major European event did the American Revolution inspire during washingtons presidency?

It inspired the French Revolution, which eventually led to Napoleon's rise to power.