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to end Hapsburg domination and set up constitutional governments

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Q: What was a goal of revolutionaries in the Italian states in 1848?
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What was the goal of revolutionaries in the Italian states in 1848?

The goal of revolutionaries in the Italian states in 1848 was to unify Italy into a single independent and constitutional state, free from foreign rule and influence. They sought to establish a democratic government that would guarantee civil rights, individual freedoms, and political representation for all Italians.

What was the goal of Italian nationalist?

Bringing together independent states

What is 'goal' when translated from English to Italian?

"Goal" in English is meta in Italian.

What were the failures of the European revolutions of 1848?

Most of the Revolutions of 1848 were not well organized enough to have a lasting impact. The participants did not have enough of a common goal.

Why did most of the revolutions of 1848 fail to achieve their goal?

because they didnt have a good government

What is 'soccer goal' when translated from English to Italian?

Gol nel calcio is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "soccer goal." The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "goal in the soccer (game)" in English. The pronunciation will be "gol nel KAL-tcho" in Pisan Italian.

Why was the 1848 revolt in Prussia successful only in the short term?

German liberals were part of Europe's 1848 revolutions. In the German areas the goal was to end autocratic rule. With some initial success, a liberal assembly was convened in Frankfort convention with democratic ideas. The king of Prussia was offered the position of becoming the emperor of the German States under the democratic policies of the 1848 assembly. The liberals lacked military power, and the King of Prussia, who refused the offer. Conservative power was then restored to the German "States". Without liberal support from Prussia, the 1848 revolution failed. As an aside, however, it caused many Germans to seek a new home in the United States.

Why did the US want the Mexican cession in 1848?

it would give the US more land b/c their goal was expansion.

What was the goal of the missourie compromise?

The goal was to keep a political balance between slave states and free states.

What was the goal of the Missouri compromise?

The goal was to keep a political balance between slave states and free states.

Why are there 5 officials used in Italian football?

they have one referee and 2 lines men and 2 goal line referees in italian football why?

Who is the Highest goal scorer in champion league?

I is the Italian Filippo Inzaghi with 70 goals.