the clothiers make clothes for the king William and for the nobles and all important people on that time, they needed to have knowledge of various fines and they were required to use expensive material.
The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.
middle ages
There was no nylon in the Middle Ages. Nylon was invented in the 20th century; the Middle Ages ended in the 15th.
The Roman Empire was followed by the Middle Ages: Early Middle Ages (5th to 10th century), High Middle Ages (c. 1001 to 1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300 to 1500).
where did merchants work in the middle ages
A fur seller is commonly referred to as a furrier.
The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.
A furrier.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
furrier= Kürschner, Kürschnerin
The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.
Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.
Middle ages
It was not worn in the Middle Ages.
Before the middle ages was Anquity (Greeks and Romans) and after the middle ages was the Renissance
Yes, they had love in the Middle Ages.