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Q: What was a difference between the Minoan kings and Mycenaean kings?
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What was Mycenaean's government?

Kings who also monopolized priestly functions.

What civilization was led by the first Greek kings?

The Mycenaean civilization in southern Greece was led by the first Greek kings.

Did the Mycenaean invade Greece around 1900 B.C. and their leaders became the first Greek kings.?

Yes, the Mycenaean people invaded Greece around 1900 B.C. and their leaders became the first Greek kings

What is the difference between kings and vagabonds?

Vagabonds are basically hobos. Kings are... royal.

What type of government did the Mycenaean have?

The system of government was by kings, who also monopolized priestly functions.

What is the difference between kings and dictators?

Dictators can do what ever they want while kings have a counsel to make laws and they use the courts.

When did the Greeks inhabit earth?

it started with the first civilization, which was the Minoans and the Mycenaean kings. approximately 2000-1400 B.C.

What was the difference between Egyptian Pharaoh's and Mesopotamian kings?

Peopel though Pharaohs were gods

What the difference between popes and kings?

Popes are the head of the Catholic Church and chosen by the church. Kings are people who inherit the crown through family members.

What is the difference between the vassals and the serfs?

the vassals are the kings slaves and the serfs are like a nun and monks

Why did Greek city-states develop instead of a single state covering the entire Greek peninsula?

Mycenaean kings could not effectively rule vast territories