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It was essentially like being “drafted” to go to a concentration camp - it wasn’t optional. If you didn’t respond to the call-up, Hitler’s military organization (the SS) would come to your home to collect you bring you there. It was effectively a death sentence, since the “work camps” they were being sent to were so terrible.

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A call up notice was when the Nazi's would call Jews to the Jewish Church and, then, sent them to camps(if the they resisted they would be taken from their homes with force)

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Q: What was a call up notice in the diary of Anne frank?
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What does Anne Frank call ehr diary?

The Diary of Anne Frank. It's a book you can get at any library.

Who does Anne Frank call Kitty?

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What does Anne Frank call her diary?

Yes, Anne Frank did name her journal. She referred to her journal as Kitty. Every time she would write to her she would say Dear Kitty and talk about what had happened that day.

What did Anne frank call her diary?

Anne Frank's diary was named kitty because she wrote to her cat that she had to leave behind because she was a Jew. The notzise were killing all the Jewish people.

Who receive the call up notice in the diary of anne frank?

Anne Frank's family received a call-up notice for her older sister Margot Frank to report for deportation to a labor camp in Germany. As the entire family would likely be taken if Margot went, they went into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam.

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if u call a writing desk drawer a hiding spot then yes,she did have a spot p.s. u should see the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank" its sooo good and romantic but sad

What does Anne call her diary?

Anne called her diary "Kitty."

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Anne Frank refers to Mrs. Van Daan as a hypochondriac in her diary. She notes Mrs. Van Daan's constant complaints and drama surrounding her health issues.

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Anne Frank used pseudonyms in her diary to protect the identity of the people she wrote about. The van Pels and their son were changed to the van Daans by Anne to maintain their privacy and safety while documenting their experiences in hiding during World War II.

What is annes diary named?

It is called Kitty

What did Anne call Mr Pfeffer?

Given her parent's insistence upon good manners, she would have called him "Mr. Pfeffer" of "Dr. Pfeffer". When she came up with pseudonyms for all those in the annex (not used past the first editions of the diary in publication) she gave his the pseudonym "Dr. Dussel" German for "Dr. Jerk".