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in 1794 president Washington sent nearly 15,000 troops to crush the whiskey rebellion.

Sebastian Aguirre

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Q: What was Washington's response to the whiskey rebellion?
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What washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion?

in 1794 president Washington sent nearly 15,000 troops to crush the whiskey rebellion. Sebastian Aguirre

Washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion demonstrated the governments?

authority to act with in state borders

Washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion demonstrated the governments inability ti enforce its rulings?

No, it demonstrated the governments willingness to enforce rules.

What was washingtons reaction to whiskey rebellion?

i think he sent an army out to crush the resistance

What was the name of the Pennsylvania uprising that tested George Washingtons power as president?

Whiskey rebellion

Washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion-?

George Washington's response to the Whiskey Rebellion was to send peace commissioners to negotiate terms with the ones who were rebelling. He also sent militia in case it was necessary, but it turned out that they were not needed. This action by Washington showed the nation that the government had the ability to suppress insurrection. This finally lead to the formation of political parties.

How did Washingtons reaction to the Whiskey Rebellion underscore the difference between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation?

he came in with the U.S. Army and ended the rebellion

The Shays' Rebellion was mainly a response to?

taxes on whiskey

What did the federalists hope to prove with the governments response to the whiskey rebellion?

the federalists proved that they had power by stopping the rebellion.

What led to the whiskey rebelloion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion of farmers from Pennsylvania to Georgia. It was in response to the tax put on whiskey. The farmers were upset because they thought the whiskey was an important good. So, they rebelled against the tax. George Washington sent an army down to calm the rebellion.

What was a response to an unpopular excise tax imposed by the federal government?

Whiskey Rebellion

What was evident by president Washington response to the whiskey rebellion?

declaration of martial law