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Harun Al Rashid

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Q: What was The golden age of abbasid caliphate?
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Related questions

When was Abbasid Caliphate created?

Abbasid Caliphate was created in 750.

Who ruled after after the Umayyad caliphate?

Abbasid Caliphate.

What was The "Golden Age" of the Abbasid caliphate the reign of?

750-1258 CE. During this period, the Abbasids were strong leaders who controlled a vast territory and created a culture that is often referred as the Golden Age.

Which Muslim empire was known for its grand and well-planned capital?

Abbasid caliphate -- Baghdad Ummayyad Caliphate- Cordoba

The Abbasid capital was moved from Damascus, Syria, to?

Damascus was the capital of the Uymmad Caliphate, the caliphate before the Abbasid one. The first capital of the Abbasid Caliphate was Kufa, then Baghdad, then Samarra, and then Baghdad once more (all four cities located in Iraq).

Who replaced the umayyad caliphate?

The Abbasid dynasty

Why is the Abbasid rule considered a golden age?

The Spanish region was considered the golden frontier.

Was Islam spread under the Abbasid caliphate?


What was the first 100 years of abbasid rule called?

the golden age

What year did the golden age of Islam end?

The golden age of Islam is generally considered to have ended by the 13th century. The decline of the Abbasid Caliphate, Mongol invasions, and the rise of regional powers led to a waning of scientific, cultural, and intellectual advancements that characterized the golden age. However, Islamic civilization continued to make contributions in various fields in subsequent centuries.

Why is the reign of h r n al-rash d described as the golden age of abbasid caliphate?

Because it was the age of enormous importance to the development of world knowledge and technology. It came in a time when Islam and the People of the Book living under the nation of Islam were politically united and lived in harmony. As usually said, our unity has always lead to our strength and on the other hand fitnais the source of our weakness. The golden age of Islam brought about wonders to the world whether scientific, educational, architectural, medical and or any other subject one can think of.

Who ruled after the umayyed caliphate?

The first Caliph Abou Bakr, then Omar. then Othman, then Aly