1. He didn't agree with Confucius, instead, he preferred Legalism. The legalists believed that people could force to be good. In this way, he built his empire stronger. However, this didn't really work. More and more people began to rebel the Qin king and it collapsed.
I not you figure it out yourself.
Ly Bi and Trieu Quang Phuc led revolts.
he did this by being the greatest leader he could be
Shi Huangdi's leadership hurt the empire because he was putting all of the farmers to work on the new roads in China and build the Great Wall of China.
it kept killing people because people disobeyed shi huangdi and so eventually his kingdom got very small and weak and so liu bangs got more and more power.
Because Shi Huangdi burned books, forced nobles to move away, and forced commoners to work on government projects. Therefore, historians must have thought that Shi Huangdi wasn't a great and fair ruler for doing that. If I am wrong, sorry. That's the best I can do, hope I helped.
Ly Bi and Trieu Quang Phuc led revolts.
u tell mehhh!!!!!!!!!!!
he did this by being the greatest leader he could be
Legalism was one of them and the changing of currency
The Great Wall of China
His government was stable and his rule was less harsh than Shi
Shi Huangdi's leadership hurt the empire because he was putting all of the farmers to work on the new roads in China and build the Great Wall of China.
Shi Huangdi
He was harsh but fair.