

What was Sachsenhausen?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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17y ago

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From 1936-45 this was a Nazi concentration camp about 25 miles from the centre of Berlin. From August 1945 till 1950 it was used by the Soviet Union as a prison camp.

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Where were all the concentration camps in Germany?

Actually, the more harsher camps were located in Poland. Anyway, these camps were places in which the Nazis kept anyone who Hitler didn't like. For example: Jewish, Catholics, Gypsies. Unfortunately, these camps were actually death camps.

What prison German camp was the largest and most notorious?

Notably , Auschwitz concentration camp was both the largest and notorious . Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Theresienstadt, Treblinka and T.II

Name 3 Concentration Camps and their location in the Holocaust?

1.The first concentration camp was Dachau, located near Munich. 2.Sachsenhausen (near Berlin). This camp opened the day after Dachau and was originally called Oranienburg. 3.Buchenwald is also located in Germany, near Wiemar.

What were the three deadliest concentration camps?

Auschwitz - the most famous Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, T.II, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Treblinka, and Theresienstadt they are all of them, famous or not they were all terrible

Where were the death squads in World War 2?

The extermination camps were in Poland: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. The major concentration camps were mainly in Germany, although Stutthof was in Poland. The Major camps in Germany were Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Nathausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck and Sachsenhausen. Altogether there were roughly 15,000 camps in Nazi-occupied Europe. Please see the following link for a source of information about the lesser-known Nazi camps.

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What is the Hebrew spelling for Sachsenhausen?

Sachsenhausen = זאכסנהאוזן

What is Sachsenhausen Frankfurt am Main 's population?

The population of Sachsenhausen - Frankfurt am Main - is 55,785.

What is the area of Sachsenhausen Frankfurt am Main?

The area of Sachsenhausen - Frankfurt am Main - is 39.14 square kilometers.

What has the author Jean Bezaut written?

Jean Bezaut has written: 'Oranienbourg, 1933-1935, Sachsenhausen, 1936-1945' -- subject(s): Oranienburg (Concentration camp), Sachsenhausen (Concentration camp)

Where was the concentration camp named Sachsenhausen located?

Oranienburg, Germany.

What kind of people were sent to the concentration camp Sachsenhausen?

Jewish people

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At first he was held in Sachsenhausen, then transferred to Dachau.

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Helmut Mann has written: 'Der Deutsche Orden und seine Kirche in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen' -- subject(s): History, Teutonic Knights, Teutonic Knights. Commandery of Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen, Teutonic Knights. Deutsche Provinz. Priorat

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Gerhart Schirmer has written: 'Sachsenhausen--Workuta' -- subject(s): Biography, German Personal narratives, Prisoners and prisons, Prisoners of war, Sachsenhausen (Concentration camp), Vorkuta (Komi, Russia : Concentration camp), World War, 1939-1945

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Karl Gutzkow died in 1878, in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany.

When did Reinhold Draber die?

Reinhold Draber died on November 3, 1947, in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany.

What can you see in Berlin?

Berlin airport, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church,KZ-Sachsenhausen, Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburg Tor),etc.