

Best Answer

The social contract basically says that the government should say out of of the people business.

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Q: What was Rousseau's social contract?
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What describes Jean Jacques rousseaus concept of a social contract?

An agreement between people in a society to give up some of their rights in order to form a stable government

How did Rousseaus idea differ from theirs?

Rousseau's idea differed from his contemporaries in his belief in the natural goodness of humanity and the corrupting influence of society. He argued for a more egalitarian society with a social contract based on the general will of the people rather than the rule of a monarch or aristocracy. Rousseau also emphasized the importance of education and the need for a more compassionate and harmonious social order.

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Which philosopher wrote a social contract?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a philosopher who wrote about the social contract theory in his work "The Social Contract" (1762).

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When was the social contract made?

the social contract was made during the era of gay masterbation.

What could be a sentence with the word Social Contract in it?

social contract is a agreement makes by the government and society i hope its helpful (=

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Social Contract

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