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Major Robert Anderson was allowed to take the US flag which had flown over Fort Sumter with him when he left the fort.

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Q: What was Robert Anderson allowed to leave with when he surrendered to the confederates?
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Who surrendered at Fort Sumter to the confederates?

A small garrison under Major Robert Anderson

Why was Major Robert Anderson important?

Union major Robert Anderson became a part of US Civil War history as the commander of Fort Sumter. Food supplies were unable to arrive at the fort in the Charleston Harbor. With repeated cannon bombardments by the South, Major Anderson surrendered the fort to the Confederates.

What general surrendered Fort Sumter?

Major Robert Anderson.

Who was the Commander at Fort Sumter who surrendered the Fort?

Major Robert Anderson He surrendered the fort on April 14, 1861.

Which side surrendered at appomattox courthouse va?

The Confederates (Army of Northern Virginia) under Robert E. Lee

Where the confederates surrendered to the union at the end of the civil war in 1865?

General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Grant at the Appomattox Court House, on April 9, 1865.

What was the difference between Cornwallis' surrender and Robert E. Lee's surrender at the conclusion of the war?

Well, when Cornwallis surrendered, it had been just a battle that he lost. But when Robert E. Lee surrendered it was the whole reason to why the confederates lost the Civil War.

Who surrenderd fort Sumter?

The Union surrendered Fort Sumter 2:00 PM. April,13,1861. Major Robert Anderson, United States Army surrendered the fort.

Who were the officers at the battle of Ft Sumter?

For the Confederates General P.G.T. Beauregard For the Union - Major Robert Anderson, who commanded Fort Sumter.

What US commander surrendered Fort Sumter to the Confederates in 1861?

The Union commander who was forced to surrender Fort Sumter to the Confederates was Major Robert Anderson. As an aside, the Confederate general who headed the artillery barrage against Fort Sumter was PT Beauregard. Beauregard had once been a student and admirer of Major Anderson when Anderson taught at West Point. Anderson himself was a West point graduate and graduated in 1825. He was ranked fifteenth among the class of graduating cadets numbering 37. PT Beauregard graduated from West Point in 1838 and he was ranked second in his class of 45 cadets.

What happened to the flag at fort Sumter?

The flag at Fort Sumter was lowered by Major Robert Anderson when he surrendered the fort. This was in April of 1861.

What did the surrendered terms of the confederate commander Robert lee include?

That soldiers be allowed to keep horses for farming