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to keep the peace in the entire region.

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Q: What was President Roosevelt's main concern when he offered the Treaty of Portsmouth to end the Russo-Japanese War?
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Why was the use of industrial machinery of any concern to President Roosevelt?

More Americans could be employed if jobs did not require specialized skills like using heavy machines.

What does article two of the US Constitution concern?

Article II of the Constitution addresses the authority of the President and the Executive branch of government. One power assigned the President is the ability to nominate US Supreme Court justices and Article III federal judges, with the "advice and consent" of the Senate.

What is the most important concern of a fascist government?

i dont knowwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment? please awanser what is the most important concern of a fasciwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?st what is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?goverment?what is the most important concerwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?n of a fascist govewhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?rmewhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?nt?what is the most important concerwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverwhat is the most important concern of a fascist goverment?ment?n of a fascist goverment?

Which president was depicted on mount Rushmore because of his concern for unity and equality in the states?

The equality part sounds like Thomas Jefferson. The unity part sounds like Abraham Lincoln.

What executive agreement did US President Franklin D. Roosevelt make with the government of Iceland in July of 1941?

At the end of May, 1941, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a presidential proclamation. In this proclamation he declared that the US was in a state of "unlimited national emergency". On that basis Roosevelt made an executive agreement with Iceland to have US troops dispatched to Iceland. This move caused concern in the Senate. Senator Taft of Ohio expressed the most concern. Later Roosevelt stated that it was better that US troops reached Iceland before Nazi Germany did.

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What program or administration reflected roosevelts concern for the natural environment?

I think conservation.

What was the main concern of the portion of roosevelts audience that wanted the US to stay neutral in the conflict?

that roosevelt was trying to lead them into a war they didnt want or need-apex

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Abraham Lincoln's primary concern with respect to the southern states when he took office as President was conserving the union.

Why did president ford's reputation tarnish?

I think he raised a lot of concern when he pardoned President Nixon.

What does article 2 in the constitution concern?

the exectuive branch, this consists of the president!

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Why did US begin the Manhattan project?

I think it started by a letter of concern from Albert Einstein to President Franklin Roosevelt.

Which President said 'Sir my concern is not whether God is on our side my greatest concern is to be on God's side for God is always right'?

Abraham Lincoln.

The reflected President Roosevelt's concern for the natural environment?

The ccc civilian conservation corps

What was the president Lincoln's primary concern during the civil?

the preservation of the United States and its democratic system

What was Jefferson's main concern regarding the Louisiana Purchase?

He was not sure if the president had the right to purchase land.

The 25th Amendment concerning presidential succession was passed out of what concern?

The 25th Amendment was brought out of concern of having a disabled President. The 25th Amendment was adopted on February 23, 1967.