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World War 2 started with aggression of Germany against Poland in September 1, 1939. On September 17 forces of Red Army entered the theatre of operations. The invasion lasted until October 6, when major remaining military resistance capitulated. The government of Poland migrated first to Romania, then to England. As a result of war, 6.5 millions of citizens of Poland lost their lives, with 10% of it on battlefield (which is more than UK and US casualties from this war combined). After the aggression of Germany against Soviet Union, thousands of Polish prisoners were released from work camps and prisons to join a new military unit, commonly called "Anders' Army." This newly made unit gained fame in battlefields in Egypt and Italy, especially during the Battle of Monte Casino.

Meanwhile in Poland numerous resistance groups were created. The most numerous, Home Army, counted approximately 400,000-500,000 volunteers. Their actions varied from disruption of axis logistics to freeing prisoners. Quite a few uprising were organized, like "Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" or the "Warsaw Uprising" (not the same events). Unfortunately, during the last year of the war Yalta conference decided future destiny of Poland. The three winning leaders, namely Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Stalin, decided to let Poland be politically annexed by Soviet Union, which was later on recognized by both, Potsdam conference, and by recognition of the puppet communist government in Poland. This disloyalty passed to history as the "Western betrayal", and caused a great upset both among soldiers, British politicians (Baron Henry Strauss et al), and Polish population.

Poland ended the war in a tragic situation, and it had to stay this way for years to come. Political, scientific, and educational elites murdered or exiled. A puppet Soviet-controlled government established and ensured by Red Army stationed within the boarders. Economy and infrastructure ruined, and extreme losses in lives. Also, a memory of betrayal from both, their allies and Soviet Union, created a bitter awareness of isolation, which is strong even today.
Poland was invaded by the Germans. World War 2 broke out 2 days later.

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6y ago
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14y ago

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Poland fought in World War II from the very beginning until the very end and was the only European country that never surrendered. On May 8, 1945, the Soviet and Polish armies conquered Berlin and won the war. Poland fought in the Battle of Britain, the Battle of Monte Cassino and fought for the freedom of not only Poland, but all countries.

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16y ago

Poland provided many of the best military units who helped the Allies in the war. The invasion also technically brought Britain and France into the war. The underground also helped sabotage the Nazi effort during the war against the Soviets.

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13y ago

World War 2 started with Germany invading Poland on September 1, 1941.

Germans lost some territory to Poland in World War 1 and wanted revenge. Also Germany leader Hitler wanted expand to the east to get Germans "living space" or colonies they "needed".He Also had some problem with Jews even though his mother was Jewish.

Great Britain and France at the time were alarmed with Hitler's obvious ambitions "to dominate world by force" as he already annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia and they promised to help Poland in the case of an attack.

Honoring they promise Great Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, but failed to provide any real help to Poland and Poland got occupied.

Government and some Polish troops escaped and later fought Germans as part of British and Soviet forces. Resistance inside Poland also fought Germans.

Poland was liberated in 1944 by Soviet Union, but became it's puppet communist state.

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16y ago

The country itself was occupied, but a government in exile was established which continued to fight the Germans.

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14y ago

Poland was the first country to be invaded by Nazi Germany.

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12y ago

poland didnt do much. the nazis wanted more land, so they decided to take poland, to nshow the world germany had recovered from ww1 to take over the world

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14y ago

tortured,killed and captured them

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