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Q: What was Outlawed in Vermont and Massachusetts after the revolutionary war?
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Outlawed in vermont and Massachusetts after the war?


What 3 states outlawed slavery after the war?

Pennsylvania, Connecitcut , and New York or Massachusetts ( Im not sure but I am sure about Pensylvania and Connecituct.

At the start of the Revolutionary War who commanded militia forces from Massachusetts?

Benedict Arnold commanded the Massachusetts militia at the start of the Revolutionary War.

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Revolutionary War?

The Revolutionary War began in what state?


Where did the Revolutionary War begain?

Lexington, Massachusetts

What is the relationship between Nevada and Vermont?

Both States are Battle Born, Vermont out of the Revolutionary War and Nevada out of the US Civil War.

At the end of the Revolutionary War the US was bound on the north by .?

The northern-most of America's 13 colonies (New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) formed her northern border with Canada. Note that Maine was a part of Massachusetts at that time.

Where did Revolutionary War begins?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord, cities in the colony of Massachusetts is where the Revolutionary war began.

Where the Revolutionary War begin?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord, cities in the colony of Massachusetts is where the Revolutionary war began.

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why did the revolutionary war start

Who was the leader of Massachusetts during the revolutionary war?

your moma