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Q: What was One result of the war of 1812 was that the United states?
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What was one of the first move the United states made in the war of 1812?

It attacked Britian

What were two result of The Louisiana Purchase?

One result from the Louisiana Purchase was that it doubled the size of the United States. The second result of the Louisiana Purchase is that it increased the economy for the United States with farming, gold, silver, and other resources.

When did Britain declare war?

The United States declared war against Britain in the War of 1812 on June 18, 1812, when President James Madison signed a Declaration of War that had been passed by Congress.This marks the only time the United States declared war on the United Kingdom, and the second time the United States was in a state of war with the United Kingdom.

What was one cause of war of 1812-?

Britain helped the Indians who were fighting against American settles. A-P-E-X!

What is the name of the peace treaty that ended war of 1812?

The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. Although the British had agreed to most concessions prior to Ghent, one main one, Impressment was not one of them. They believed they had the right to impressment. As a result, President Madison was unable to ask Congress to agree to cease fighting. Britain accepted the United States as an independent sovereign country and the United States agreed to give up its designs on Canada.

Was one result of colonization and immigration of Canada and united States?


What was one result of the United States making it had enough hard power to protect itself and its allies?

The United States developed the hydrogen bomb.

Which was a result of the War of 1812?

One result of the War of 1812 was later election to the presidency of war heroes Andrew Jackson and of William Henry Harrison.

What starts with l and ends with ouisiana?

Louisiana is one of the 50 states in the United States. It was admitted to the union on April 30, 1812 becoming the 18th state to be admitted to the union.

What was one result of the United States makeing sure it had enough hard power to protect itself and its allies?

The United States developed the hydrogen bomb.

When William McKinley was president, the United States declared war on Spain. What was one result of the Spanish-American War?

The United States began to rise as a world power.

What was one of the result of the spanish -American war?

The united states had an empire and a new stature in world affairs.