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Q: What was Nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence?
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What invention changed the nature of communication and commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Morse's telegraph

What was the most popular American literary style in the nineteenth century?

One of the most popular American literary styles in the nineteenth century was Romanticism. This movement highlighted emotions, nature, and individualism in literature, with writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne contributing to its popularity.

What has the author Auralia Crump written?

Auralia Crump has written: 'The nature poetry of William Cullen Bryant as a reflection of early nineteenth century American literature'

What does character vs nature?

when a character goes into conflict with nature

What nineteenth century philosophy stressed the importance of communion with nature?

Transcendentalism, a philosophy popular in the 19th century, emphasized the importance of communion with nature as a means to transcend the confines of society and connect with the divine. Thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were prominent figures in this movement, advocating for self-reliance, individualism, and the beauty of the natural world.

What does development refers to?

The nature of a character and how that character changes

What Features did mid-nineteenth-century life did transcendentalism reject?

Transcendentalism rejected materialism, organized religion, and the idea of conformity to societal norms. It emphasized individualism, spiritual connection to nature, and the importance of intuition and inner experience over external authority.

Frank Norris summed up the literary movement of the late nineteenth century in his novel?

Frank Norris captured the literary movement of the late nineteenth century through his naturalistic novel "McTeague". The novel explores themes of determinism, social Darwinism, and the struggle of individuals against external forces. Norris's work exemplifies the emphasis on realism, social commentary, and deterministic view of human nature that characterized the literature of this period.

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What was the emotional goal of music in the 19th century?

Much classical music of the nineteenth century was geared towards engendering patriotism, i.e. it promoted an appreciation for, and feelings of pride in, one's country. This music might have incorporated segments of well-known folk tunes of that country, or been strong and passionate in its nature. Sibelius and Smetana, for example, were patriotic composers, as were many of the Russian composers of that century.

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