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Q: What was Nat Turner's contributions to slavery and the civil war?
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What effect did Nat Turners rebellion have on Southerners and their opinion on freedom for African Americans?

to end slavery

What effect did Nat Turners rebellion have on southerns and their opinion of freedom for African Americans?

to end slavery

How did virginians react to nat turners rebellion in southamton county?

they considered to abolish slavery in theri state

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What happened in nat turners rebellion?

Nat Turners Rebellion opened the eyes of the Southerners to the dangers of angry slaves

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What is nat turners address?

Southampton County, Virginia

Was nat turners owner mean or nice?

his master was nice

What is Nat Turners current address?

Southampton County, Virginia

What do you think nat turners rebellion accomplished?

i think he is brave .........................

Who were Nat turners victim's?

One that he admitted was Margaret White.