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general d'aarmee

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Q: What was Napoleon Bonaparts rank in the military?
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What Marine Corps rank is derived from Napoleon's leadership philosophy?

Napoleon was a good country loyalist but ruthless leader, Grande Armée was the name given to the rank.

What did Napoleon like to study?

Napoleon liked to study about the military

What dog has the highest rank in the military?

German Shepard and the Belgian Malanois have the highest rank in the military.

Napoleon makes a name for himself at toulon what was his reward?

After the siege of Toulon, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.

How did napoleon motivate his soldiers so effectively?

Every soldier knew that his valour on the battlefield would have been rewarded by promotions even to a high military rank. Napoleon often publicly told them: "remember that each of your haversacks may hold the Field Marshal's baton".

What was effect of napoleon's military victories?

As a result of Napoleon's military victories, European governments united against Napoleon. European governments became part of the holy Roman Empire

How was Napoleon stopped?

By military might.

Napoleon was a great military what?

He was a military genius, a master tactician and strategist.

What was one effect on Napoleons military victory?

As a result of Napoleon's military victories, European governments united against Napoleon. European governments became part of the holy Roman Empire

What is the civil rank equivalent of a army captian?

There is no such rank in civiailan life. A captain is a military rank

What is Napoleon best known as?

A brilliant military leader whose battles (won or lost) are studied at military schools around the world. For the military strategist the question is always "What would Napoleon do?"

What do you like about napoleon?

that he was in the military at the age nine