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Arrogance refers to an exaggerated sense of one's own importance that's carried out in an extremely overbearing, unlikeable way. Arrogance indeed was the tragic flaw of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini [July 29, 1883-April 28, 1945]. Mussolini was the 40th Prime Minister of Italy. He held that office from October 31, 1922 until July 25, 1943. During that time, he took on more and more power without achieving any results anywhere near warranting his amassing of such economic, political and social power.

For example, Mussolini began using the title 'Il Duce' in 1925. In 1936, he insisted upon being known as 'His Excellency, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire'. He even went on to create and hold the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire. In that capacity, he shared supreme control over Italy's military with none other than King Vittorio Emmanuele III [November 11, 1869-December 28, 1957].

But despite his powers, Mussolini ruined Italy's fiscal system with his insistence upon Italian entry into World War II in support of Nazi Germany. The result was inflated money, messy economics, and miserable existences for many Italians. Additionally, the military lost every one of their battles except for one in North Africa against the British.

Finally, the Fascist Grand Forces met and demanded Mussolini's resignation. The next day, the King fired Mussolini. When Mussolini left the palace, he found himself without a job and then without a car. As he pondered his next move, gendarmes arrested him and took him off to jail in an ambulance.

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