Leonardo da vinci
It is not known who taught Leonardo Da Vinci how to read and write. Though since he spent the first five years of his life with his mother it's likely she taught him or found a teacher who taught him.
Bill quezene
Leonardo da Vinci tried unsuccessfully to design flying machines during the last part of the 15th century.
One middle age artist was Leonardo Davinci. -
Leonardo da vinci was born on April 15, 1452.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci
what is the occupation of leonaradr da vinci
He didn't have a nickname.
Renaissance period
We have no idea if he did marry
The special thing about Leonardo Da Vincis art was that it was not comen it was diferent
He was an apprentice of Andrea del Verrocchio, Florentine artist.
The most famous paintings Leonardo da vincis were : The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper