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The outbreak of World War 2 was NOT Hitler's fault because he didnt sign the appeasement with chamberlain but all of the blame went on Hitler because her didnt sign this. He invaded Poland but they wont happy so then the blame went on him again. France and Britain needed to lay of him for a bit but hitler retaliated and fought back and this is where the blame went on Hitler and this is why the outbreak was his fault. This is a reason why it wasnt his fault but mainly it was.

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Q: What was Hitler's fault in World War 2?
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Who's is fault was it for World War 2?

There isn't a country at fault for the start of ww2, It is Adolf Hitlers fault. He told the public that the Jewish people were the cause of all problems and that they needed to be punished. Hitler called upon his army to invade countries and segregate the Jewish people. By, Husky Pratt