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he was talking in an elementary school to kids

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Q: What was George Bush doing when the planes hit the twin towers?
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Is it true that Bush blow up towers?

No bush didn't blow up the towers. Bin laden's people crashed planes into the towers instead.

What school was President Bush when the planes hit the twin towers?

The school that President Bush was visiting when the planes hit the twin towers was Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida.

What state was president Bush in when the planes crashed into the twin towers?



George W. Bush

Who was the president when the twin towers were attacked?

George W. Bush

What president was in office during twin towers?

george W. Bush was the President on that day.

Who was president when the twin towers came down?

George W. Bush

Who was the president when to twin towers fell?

President George Walker Bush.

What struggles did George Washington Williams face?

George Bush faced the worst terrorist attack in U.S. History. On September 11th, 2001 four planes were hijacked by terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden, and crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon.

What was Bush doing when the towers fell?

Reading a book to some kids at a school.

What interesting things happened when George W. Bush was president?

the twin towers fell

Which president was in the white house when the twin towers blew up?

George W. Bush